
Feeling Stuck? How to Clarify Your Next Move for Your Group Mental Health Practice

Feeling Stuck? How to Clarify Your Next Move for Your Group Mental Health Practice

Feeling Stuck? How to Clarify Your Next Move for Your Group Mental Health Practice

Running a group therapy practice can be incredibly rewarding but can also come with its fair share of challenges. One common challenge is feeling stuck or uncertain about the next steps for your practice’s growth and success. 

Being your own boss means dealing with caseload, health insurance, insurance companies. liability insurance, licensure, and staying HIPAA compliant. It is a demanding, full-time endeavor. It is all too easy to come to a place where you look at your own business and wonder what your next move should be.

Therefore, in this blog, we’ll explore strategies to help you clarify the next moves. These include the following:

  • Reasons you are feeling stuck
  • The importance of self-care
  • The importance of coaching and consultation
  • Strategies to clarify your next move
  • Next steps toward your success in group therapy practice

Once you understand the problem and how to solve it, there will be no stopping your move toward success.

Reasons for Feeling Stuck in Your Group Practice

Feeling stuck or confused about the next steps while running a group mental health practice is a common experience. It can be attributed to several factors, including the following:

Reasons for Feeling Stuck in Your Group Practice
  • Lack of Clarity: Changes in the market, client needs, or team dynamics can create uncertainty about the practice’s direction. Defining your ideal client and staff needs in a changing market is challenging.
  • Financial Pressures: Managing the business expenses and finances can be complex. If revenue falls short of expectations, it can create financial stress and make it difficult to plan for the future.
  • Personnel Issues: Challenges within the team, such as conflicts among practitioners, turnover, or difficulty finding qualified clinicians and staff, can leave practice owners feeling stuck. 
  • Burnout: Mental health professionals are susceptible to burnout due to the hard work and emotional demands of the profession. Burnout can lead to decreased motivation, decreased job satisfaction, and a sense of being trapped in a routine.
  • Fear of Failure: Fear of making the wrong decision or failing can paralyze decision-making. You may hesitate to take risks or make changes out of fear of the consequences.
  • Personal Factors: Personal factors, such as stress, health issues, or life events, can spill over into professional life, making it harder to make clear decisions and set future goals.
  • External Factors: Events outside the practice, such as economic downturns or global crises (e.g., a pandemic), can disrupt operations and create uncertainty about the future.

The Importance of Self-Care for Group Practice Owners

Let’s recognize that these are real concerns. You are not weak or lacking because you come to a place of feeling stuck. It is not a sign of failure. It is a sign that it is time to clarify your purpose and plan. A critical first step is to ensure you are functioning at your best. 

Self-care is essential for maintaining your mental and emotional well-being, especially when you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed. Here are some ideas for self-care activities to help you break free from that sense of stagnation:

The Importance of Self-Care for Group Practice Owners
  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Mindfulness exercises can help you stay present and reduce anxiety about the future.
  • Journaling: Journaling is a simple practice that can be a great way to clarify what’s bothering you and find solutions.
  • Exercise: Physical activity releases endorphins, boosting your mood and energy levels.
  • Explore Nature: Nature can have a calming effect on the mind.
  • Connect with Loved Ones: Reach out to friends or family members for in-person quality time. Social connections are vital for emotional well-being.
  • Therapy or Counseling: A private practice therapist may also need therapy. Consider talking to a professional counselor to explore your feelings and get professional guidance.

The Importance of Coaching and Consultation for Group Practice Owners

You don’t have to do this alone, and you don’t have to have all the answers. Seeking guidance from experienced practitioners or mentors will save time, money, and stress. Coaches and mentors can provide valuable insights because they have been there. You are self-employed, but you don’t have to build everything from scratch or reinvent the wheel. Learn what works from someone who has experienced the success you are seeking. Here are a few of the things coaches can provide when you are feeling stuck:

  • Knowledge Transfer: Coaches and mentors often have a wealth of industry-specific knowledge, providing templates for success. They can help navigate complex business landscapes, share insights, and provide insider information that can be invaluable.
  • Objective Perspective: Coaches and mentors provide an outside, objective viewpoint. This objectivity can be crucial for identifying blind spots and biases, offering constructive feedback, and guiding individuals toward better decision-making.
  • Accountability: Having a coach or mentor can create a sense of accountability. Knowing that someone is monitoring your progress and providing guidance can motivate individuals to set and achieve goals.
  • Network Building: Coaches and mentors often have extensive professional networks. They can introduce mentees to valuable contacts, potential clients, investors, or collaborators, opening up new opportunities for growth and expansion.
  • Strategic Planning: Coaches and mentors can assist in developing long-term strategies and business plans. They can help set clear objectives, outline action steps, and ensure that businesses stay focused on their goals.
  • Personal Growth: The business side often goes hand-in-hand with personal growth. Coaches and mentors can support individuals in all areas, from self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and resilience to practical matters such as office space and credentialing.

Strategies to Clarify Your Next Move in Your Group Practice

We’ve explored why you are feeling stuck in your own private practice, put a proper focus on self-care so you are functioning at your best, and explored how coaching can provide insight, guidance, and encouragement. With these elements in your toolbox, you are ready to develop your strategy and clarify your next move. Here are ways to plot your course to success:

Assess Your Current Situation 

Start by taking a step back and objectively evaluating where your practice stands today. A SWOT analysis can be a helpful tool in this process. Assess your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Understanding these four areas can provide a treatment plan for your private counseling practice.

Set Clear Goals

Define specific, measurable, and achievable goals for your practice. Having clear objectives will give you a sense of direction and purpose. Don’t try to fix everything at once. Focus on things you can achieve now. One step will lead to another. 

Conduct Market Research

Understand your target market and the evolving needs of your clients. Monitor trends in mental healthcare, technology, and healthcare regulations. This information will help you adapt your practice to draw new clients and referrals.

Financial Planning

Review your financial statements and projections. Are you meeting your financial targets, or do you need to make adjustments? Create a budget that accounts for expenses, revenue goals, and savings for future investments or emergencies.

Team Assessment

Evaluate your team’s strengths and weaknesses. Ensure that each team member is operating at their full potential and that roles and responsibilities are well-defined. Training and continuing education can help your team excel.

Expand or Diversify Services

Explore opportunities to expand or diversify your services. This might involve introducing new therapy modalities, offering group therapy, or become the provider of specialized services for specific client populations. Adapting to changing needs can help you attract a broader client base.

Marketing and Outreach

Enhance your marketing plan to reach a wider audience. Invest in a professional website, social media, or a podcast. Consider running targeted ad campaigns to promote your business name. A marketing strategy can open new doors and get you moving.

Technology Integration

Embrace technology to improve the efficiency and quality of your services. Telehealth options, electronic health records (EHR), appointment reminders, and practice management software can streamline operations and enhance patient care.

Client Feedback

Collect feedback from your clients through surveys or interviews. Their insights can highlight areas for improvement and guide your decision-making process.

Monitor Progress

Regularly review your progress toward your goals. Make adjustments based on the data and feedback you gather along the way.Private practitioners feeling stuck is not uncommon, but it doesn’t have to paralyze your progress. By taking a systematic approach, you can make informed decisions that lead to the growth and success of your practice.


Soribel Martinez

Soribel Martinez is a Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist with dual graduate school diplomas, an MBA and MSW, with over 25 years of experience. She is the owner of SMPsychotherapy and Counseling Services, which has given her the hands-on business experience and know-how to help you reach your greatest potential.


Next Up:

Download your exclusive sneak peek inside

Elevate Your Practice Checklist

The Next Steps Toward Your Success in Group Therapy Practice

When you are ready to put those feelings of being stuck behind you and move forward as a private practice owner, I can help. First, continue your exploration by taking my quiz, Are you ready for a Multi-Million-Dollar Practice? Click here to take the quiz.

Next, if you are going to manage your group practice well, a business mindset is crucial. To develop the mindset of a thriving business owner, schedule a 30-minute Business Mindset Assessment today.

Finally, when you are ready to achieve your highest goals, sign up for my Million Dollar Private Practice Consultation. This is my yearlong group coaching program that will take your life and business to its highest levels.

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