You snagged my heart early with your story as I read how you got to where you are today. You went through incredible diversity, challenges, and life lessons and could see the light at the end of the tunnel. This book captures your attention with your infectious stories and offers excellent lessons from which we can all learn – a must-read.
explore soribel's books
Empowering Insight
Practical Advice
From a mental health and business expert
Soribel Martinez
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book & journal
Discover resilience and tenacity as Soribel shares her personal stories and strategies to empower you to overcome challenges. The hardships make you stronger when you are “Unbreakable.”
Multi-Million Dollar Private Practice (MMDPP)
Unlock the secrets to mastering your mindset for daily personal power, equipping you with the tools to navigate life with intention and purpose.
Ignite Your Leadership
Access Soribel’s insights on leadership excellence. This book is a gateway to unlocking your leadership potential and igniting positive change within your professional world.
Look at the praise Soribel's books received
Doreen Dilger
I found the book very inspiring,
powerful, uplifting, identifiable, motivational, and above all a whole new experience, lessons to take/learn from, powerful message(s) behind it. I loved how incredibly well and descriptive the story was told by the author. Extremely powerful of a young female, her trajectory of life events she experienced from an early age, endured, rose from, and never ever gave up on herself, her dreams, and aspirations, extremely motivational and uplifting.
Title of the book is amazing, powerful, eye opener, and representation on the spot!
Alicia Fernandes
Unbreakable is much more than a memoir. I’d call the book inspirational personal development. Soribel’s stories are every woman’s stories – loss, heartbreak, and the pull of societal expectations. Soribel shares stories of how adversity tried time and again to pull her away from her passions and her purpose in life. Combined with her compelling stories, the self-evaluation prompts guide readers on a personal growth journey. Soribel teaches us how to look inward, reconnect with our inner wisdom, and create the life we were meant to live.
Maria Chapman
Soribel shares relatable stories that many of us experience and tells ourselves, oftentimes limiting our growth. She provides concepts and self-evaluations, prompting deep searching and healing that build resilience. Powerful book! #unbreakable
Atneciv Rodriguez
Unbreakable is the book every left-behind child has been waiting for, it is the guide every woman has been waiting for to start to believe in themselves and the power that they hold within.
Jacqueline Cabrera
I appreciate how the book emphasizes the importance of creating a practice that aligns with personal values and goals. It’s not just about making money; it’s about building a practice that supports your dreams and has a positive impact on both clients and the practitioner. The step-by-step approach and actionable strategies make this book a must-read for anyone aspiring to take their private practice to the next level. Whether you’re just starting or looking to elevate your existing practice, “Multi-Million Dollar Private Practice” is a valuable resource that offers wisdom, inspiration, and a clear path to success. Highly recommended!
Dr. Smith
Soribel’s journey is an inspiring story of grit, determination, and glory that will have you turning the pages to see what happens next. Despite many obstacles, her spirit and determination turned failure into success. At every turn, she let doubt become determination and failure fueled her fire, proving to us that despite cultural differences, we are indeed unbreakable. This powerful narrative teaches us that despite our hardships, we can achieve unimaginable feats through grit and resilience. If you’re looking for inspiration on your journey to greatness, this book is for you!
Stacey Cohen
Unbreakable is truly a powerful, captivating book! Be prepared to be thoroughly inspired and engaged to take, as Soribel says, massive, inspired action. You will feel prepared and equipped to face any adversity that comes your way as Soribel shares her secrets to doing so.
Even if you feel your life is humming along nicely, read this book. Soribel’s story IS your story. You will feel empowered to lock arms with her and every other Queen out there to help all of us rise together as we build our Queendoms together.
Barb Pritchard
This book (Million Dollar Private Practice) was very concisely well written, full of great advice from the inception to success.
The advice on business structure to marketing to procedures is all that a practice needs to build and achieve the desired results. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone practice owners wanting to grow their business.
Antonio Pascarella
Soribel Martinez’s “Multi-Million Dollar Private Practice is the comprehensive guide you’ve been waiting for. Soribel really brings it home with the framework that she personally used to build her thriving business. Any mental health professional looking to build a practice should use this book as a roadmap to fulfilling success. It’ll guide you through building a sustainable business that doesn’t just bring the bucks but makes a meaningful impact. If you’re all about maximizing both your income and impact, “Multi-Million Dollar Private Practice” is your go to playbook. It’s loaded with wisdom and actionable insights to revolutionize your practice.
Melissa Trinci
Soribel Martinez Empowers
Female executives, private practice owners, and entrepreneurs to grow their business through proven business strategies to create the life of their dreams. Whether you’re embarking on a new business venture, an established small business owner, or an executive ready to move to new heights, Soribel is the trusted partner who can shine the light on your path to success.