Barb Pritchard

Rachel Scolnic Dobin, LCSW

 just read Unbreakable in one evening as I couldn’t put it down. I am a social worker and a divorced mom, and I felt the book spoke directly to me. From all of Soribel’s stories and experiences, there is light and so much resilience. I admire her and hope to use the lessons from this […]

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Stacey Cohen

Soribel’s journey is an inspiring story of grit, determination, and glory that will have you turning the pages to see what happens next. Despite many obstacles, her spirit and determination turned failure into success. At every turn, she let doubt become determination and failure fueled her fire, proving to us that despite cultural differences, we

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Andrea Servan

Soribel’s story is not only inspirational, but it’s a roadmap to success. It encourages the readers to take a deeper look into their lives and allows them to find meaning in their dreams and make them a reality. Could not put it down once I started! Soribel’s story resonated with me in so many ways and

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Ivy Trevitazzo-Flordelis

Unbreakable, takes a deep dive into the journey of a fierce entrepreneur who epitomizes the American Dream! Soribel’s vulnerability in sharing her journey and overcoming her obstacles is precisely what every entrepreneur needs to read about being on the road to becoming unbreakable. You are in for an incredible ride with challenging self-evaluations that are

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Doreen Dilger

Wow, Wow, Wow! You snagged my heart early with your story as I read how you got to where you are today. You went through incredible diversity, challenges, and life lessons and could see the light at the end of the tunnel. This book captures your attention with your infectious stories and offers excellent lessons

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Alicia Fernandes

I found the book very inspiring, Powerful, uplifting, identifiable, motivational, and above all a whole new experience, lessons to take/learn from, powerful message(s) behind it. I loved how incredibly well and descriptive the story was told by the author. Extremely powerful of a young female, her trajectory of life events she experienced from an early

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Melissa’s Results

Soribel really brings it home with the framework that she personally used to build her thriving business. This isn’t theoretical fluff; it’s real, actionable steps that she used to build her own thriving practice. Soribel talks about cultivating a leadership mindset and understanding money as energy-concepts that totally resonate with me. Any mental health professional

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Barb Pritchard

I was completely spellbound by Soribel’s story from the moment I began reading the introduction! Soribel’s story is SO engaging. I felt I was right there in her Post University lecture hall with her. I could picture Soribel standing there, experiencing those moments in real time, as if I were present in the room! I

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Maria Chapman

Unbreakable is much more than a memoir. I’d call the book inspirational personal development. Soribel’s stories are every woman’s stories – loss, heartbreak, and the pull of societal expectations. Soribel shares stories of how adversity tried time and again to pull her away from her passions and her purpose in life. Combined with her compelling

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Atneciv Rodriguez

Soribel shares relatable stories that many of us experience and tells ourselves, oftentimes limiting our growth.  She provides concepts and self-evaluations, prompting deep searching and healing that build resilience. Powerful book! #unbreakable

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