
Too busy? How to Free Up Your Time While Growing Your Mental Health Group Practice

How to Free Up Your Time While Growing Your Mental Health Group Practice

How to Free Up Your Time While Growing Your Mental Health Group Practice

Finding ways to free up time while ensuring your practice’s success is the goal of every entrepreneur. When inefficient and ineffective, the time you spend trying to grow your business can leave you exhausted at the end of the day. You may struggle to find enough time for family and to enjoy life.

However, you can learn the strategies you need to own a successful business, develop fulfilling relationships, and live the life of your dreams. When you use time well, your work hours provide a lot of time to get things done.

Therefore, in this blog, we will explore the following:

  • The reasons you may feel overwhelmed in your group practice
  • How to free up time in your group practice
  • Ways to use this newly found time to grow your group practice 
  • The next steps toward your success

The Reasons You May Feel Overwhelmed in Your Group Therapy Practice

The first question to explore is why you feel you are too busy. The experience of feeling overwhelmed versus being able to handle busyness without stress can vary greatly from person to person due to a combination of individual differences, coping mechanisms, circumstances, and personal traits. Here are some factors that can contribute to these differences:

The Reasons You May Feel Overwhelmed in Your Group Therapy Practice
  • Ineffective Coping Strategies: People without effective coping mechanisms may struggle to manage stress during busy periods.
  • Negative Mindset and Attitude: Those with a pessimistic outlook might view busy periods as insurmountable obstacles, leading to increased stress.
  • Limited Social Support: Without a reliable support network, individuals may find it difficult to share responsibilities or seek help, increasing their stress levels.
  • Poor Prioritization and Time Management: The inability to prioritize tasks can lead to a buildup of stress due to an overwhelming workload.
  • Neglecting Self-Care Practices: Failing to engage in self-care activities can leave individuals physically and mentally drained, exacerbating feelings of being overwhelmed.
  • Lack of Experience and Exposure: Those without past experiences in successfully managing stress may lack confidence in handling future challenges.
  • Perceived Lack of Control: Feeling powerless to influence outcomes can contribute to feeling overwhelmed and heightened stress levels.

If any of these traits describe you or your situation, there is good news. With new skills and strategies, you can move from living a life that is too busy and overwhelming to the life you dreamed of as a group practice owner. The first step is to free up some time. 

How to Free Up Time in Your Group Practice

Working harder and longer hours is not the answer. This can lead to fatigue, less production, more stress, and burnout. Instead, develop the strategies and skills needed to free up your time. The following are some ways to accomplish this:

Team Building

Coaches and mentors are a critical part of your team. Experienced coaches can help you streamline your organization, set priorities, develop hacks, and learn lessons from their expertise instead of learning the hard way. 

Recognize that you can’t do everything on your own. Put your time into building a qualified team based on their expertise. Empowering team members not only lightens your load but also fosters a trusting and supportive environment among your staff.

Delegating and outsourcing tasks that aren’t central to your expertise, such as accounting, marketing, or IT support, allows you to focus on your areas of genius where your skills are most valuable.

Effective Time Management

Use your time efficiently and productively to achieve your goals and responsibilities while minimizing stress. This involves organizing tasks, setting priorities, and allocating time to various activities in a way that gets more done in less time. Here are some fundamental principles and strategies for effective time management:

How to Free Up Time in Your Group Practice
  • Set Clear Goals: Define your short-term and long-term goals. Having a clear sense of what you want to achieve helps you allocate your time to activities that align with your objectives.
  • Create a To-Do List: Write down tasks and responsibilities to track what needs to be done. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps.
  • Use a Time Management System: Utilize tools like calendars, planners, task management apps, or digital tools to organize your schedule and track your tasks.
  • Time Blocking: Allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks or categories of tasks. This helps you concentrate on one task at a time and avoid multitasking.
  • Set Realistic Deadlines: Be honest about how long tasks will take. Avoid setting unrealistic deadlines that lead to rushed work.
  • Utilize the Pomodoro Technique: This involves working in focused intervals (typically 25 minutes) followed by a short break (typically 5 minutes). Longer breaks, typically 15 to 30 minutes, are taken after four consecutive work intervals. Implementing the Pomodoro Technique can be particularly useful for tasks that require deep concentration.
  • Eliminate Time Wasters: Identify activities that waste your time, such as unproductive meetings, and minimize or eliminate them.
  • Reflect and Adjust: Regularly review your time management strategies and adjust them based on what’s working and what isn’t.

Automation and Technology:

  • Task Automation: Many routine and repetitive tasks can be automated using various tools and software. This can include checking email through email filtering and sorting, social media posting, appointment scheduling, bill payments, and task notifications. Automating these tasks saves time and mental energy and directs your workday toward more important tasks.
  • Time Tracking Apps: Using apps to track the amount of time spent on different tasks can provide insights into how you use your time. This can help you identify areas where you’re spending too much time and make adjustments to prioritize tasks effectively and avoid procrastination.

Communication Tools: Instant messaging, video conferencing, and collaboration tools enable efficient communication with colleagues, friends, and family, reducing the need for lengthy meetings or physical presence.

Strategic Planning:

Strategic planning is a crucial practice for a group practice owner. Implementing strategic plans can save time and reduce stress by providing a structured framework for decision-making and resource allocation in the following ways:

  • Clarifies Direction: Strategic planning helps define your business’s mission, vision, and long-term goals. This clarity provides a sense of purpose and ensures all team members are aligned toward common objectives, reducing confusion and misdirection.
  • Prioritizes Initiatives: You can identify and prioritize initiatives that align with the business goals through strategic planning. This prevents you from spreading resources and efforts too thin on unrelated or less impactful projects.
  • Time Allocation: With a well-defined strategic plan, you can allocate time and resources more efficiently. This reduces the stress of last-minute decisions and enables you to focus on activities that directly contribute to your success.
  • Risk Management: Strategic planning involves assessing potential risks and challenges. By identifying these risks in advance, you can develop mitigation strategies, minimizing the likelihood of crises that could cause stress and disruption.
  • Alignment of Efforts: With a strategic plan, everyone in the group knows where they fit into the larger picture. This alignment leads to more coordinated efforts and reduces stress caused by disjointed activities.

Ways to Use This Newly Found Time to Grow Your Group Mental Health Practice

Continuous Learning

Invest in ongoing learning, coaching, and professional and personal development. This might involve attending workshops, courses, and coaching sessions to stay updated on industry trends. Enhanced skills can lead to improved efficiency and innovation within your practice.

Practice Self-Care

Prioritize self-care to maintain your mental and physical health. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient sleep are essential. Taking care of yourself ensures you’re in the best condition to handle the demands of your practice.

Set Clear Boundaries Once you’re freeing up time and de-stressing, avoid the temptation of filling up your schedule with ineffective tasks. Respectfully decline additional commitments that don’t align with your practice’s growth goals or your personal well-being. Saying no when necessary helps you maintain focus on your most important task.


Soribel Martinez

Soribel Martinez is a Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist with dual graduate school diplomas, an MBA and MSW, with over 25 years of experience. She is the owner of SMPsychotherapy and Counseling Services, which has given her the hands-on business experience and know-how to help you reach your greatest potential.


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Helpful Next Steps

Whether in a startup, as a small business, or a multi-million-dollar practice, developing the proper support and strategy can provide extra time, ease your stress, and help you focus on the most essential tasks of life and business.

When you are ready to better manage your own time, I can help. First, continue your exploration by taking my quiz, Are you ready for a Multi-Million-Dollar Practice? Click here to take the quiz.

Next, if you are going to grow your private practice, a business mindset is crucial. To develop the mindset of a thriving business owner, schedule a 30-minute Business Mindset Assessment today.

Finally, when you are ready for every time of day to work for you, sign up for my Million Dollar Private Practice Consultation. This is my yearlong group coaching program that will take your life and business to its highest levels.

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